Community Building and Management

Teen volunteer donates pajamas to foster children in Spokane area [Video]

SPOKANE, Wash. — A 16-year-old teen donated pajamas to foster children in the Spokane area.

Sindhu Surapaneni, 16, a nationally recognized volunteer and TED speaker, made a donation to the Annual Embrace Washington Pajama Drive. After learning about the initiative, which collects new pajamas for children in foster care, Surapaneni contributed more than 30 pairs of new pajamas and personally delivered them to the cause.

Surapaneni, who has received national awards for her volunteer work, shared her belief that community involvement leads to personal fulfillment.

“The more you do for your community, the happier you’ll feel,” Surapaneni said.

The pajama drive is ongoing, and donations of new pajamas for children in foster care can be dropped off at any 16 Cents, 3 Shoes, & 5 Socks store in the Spokane area.

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