Public Relations

Teen suspect in terror stab probe ‘radicalised’ before stabbing army priest as new propaganda & attack details emerge [Video]

A TEENAGER at the centre of a terrorism probe after repeatedly stabbing an Army chaplain is suspected of sharing Jihadi propaganda online.

Detectives are looking at whether the 16-year-old boy, who is Irish, became radicalised in recent months and suspect he may have spread material relating to al Qaeda and ISIS on social media.

Fr Paul Murphy was rushed to hospital after the attack
Gardai are not looking for anyone else in relation to the attack itselfCredit: 2020 Ray Ryan,All rights reserved.
Gardai do not believe the incident is part of a wider conspiracy but rather that the suspect was a lone wolf

It is the key element of the investigation for Gardai after Fr Paul Murphy was knifed on Thursday night.

During the attack, the suspect also shouted references about the Irish military’s presence in Mali, west Africa, which is no longer the case.

The Special Detective Unit — responsible for the investigation of threats to State

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