Catch up on our new series of events, ScotlandIS Tech Tidbits, on the first Tuesday of every month!
These 30 minute webinars are short, informative sessions on a variety of topics, from exporting to cybersecurity, cloud computing to procurement, and many more.
Each event will feature a ScotlandIS member offering their expert insights and advice on the topic in hand, however you do not need to be a member to attend these talks.
For Cyber Security Awareness Month in October, we had FOUR Tech Tidbits each week featuring cyber security experts and themes.
For Week 4, we have guest speaker Darren Chapman, Principal Security Consultant at Quorum Cyber.
Darren shares his views on the (sometimes blurred) lines between IT and security, the importance of the CISO or fractional CISO role, and how service providers can work effectively together to provide services where everybody wins – clients, service providers and vendors alike.