Integrated Solutions Offering

Tearing Down Zendesk’s Pricing | SBI Growth [Video]

Customer support is in many ways a thankless job. Zendesk has created a suite of products they hope can change that and as a $500 million business, they’re doing it right. As one of the most popular customer experience platforms, their pricing is currently on-point with their core product offering. The move to an expanded suite of support and customer experience software, however, offers up new challenges.

In this week’s episode of Pricing Page Teardown, Peter and I dive into the data and find out where Zendesk can make some changes to help scale their suite new pricing. We take a look at their pricing structure, how well they differentiate on features, and what it means to scale an expanded platform as an established business.

Zendesk is nailing their core product pricing

“I like the approach. We're seeing some consolidation of the market. There are a couple of different companies coming into the idea of communication or ...

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