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Supply Chain Management in the Principles of Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Marketing [Video]

Marketing Technology

Supply Chain Management in the Principles of Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Marketing

1. Understanding Supply Chain Fundamentals: Students will be able to explain the key components, functions, and processes involved in supply chain management, including procurement, production, logistics, inventory management, and demand planning.

2. Analyzing Supply Chain Performance: Students will develop the ability to assess and analyze the performance of supply chain operations using relevant metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs), such as lead time, inventory turnover, fill rate, and customer service levels.

3. Applying Supply Chain Strategies: Students will learn to apply various supply chain strategies, such as lean manufacturing, just-in-time (JIT) inventory management, agile supply chain, and risk management, to optimize supply chain performance and meet organizational objectives.

4. Utilizing Supply Chain Technologies: Students will explore the role of technology in supply chain management, including the use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, supply chain analytics, internet of things (IoT), and blockchain, to improve efficiency, visibility, and collaboration across the supply chain.

5. Managing Supplier and Customer Relationships: Students will develop skills in managing relationships with suppliers and customers, including effective communication, negotiation, and collaboration, to ensure reliability, quality, and responsiveness throughout the supply chain.

6. Evaluating Global Supply Chain Issues: Students will gain an understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with global supply chains, including sourcing from international markets, managing geopolitical risks, and navigating cultural and regulatory differences.

7. Promoting Sustainability and Ethical Practices: Students will explore the importance of sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical practices in supply chain management, including minimizing environmental impact, ensuring fair labor practices, and promoting ethical sourcing and production.

8. Problem-solving and Decision-making in Supply Chain: Students will develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities to address supply chain challenges, such as supply disruptions, demand fluctuations, inventory imbalances, and transportation delays, and make informed decisions to mitigate risks and optimize performance.

9. Collaborative Supply Chain Planning and Coordination: Students will learn to collaborate effectively with supply chain partners, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, to align goals, share information, and coordinate activities to achieve mutual benefits and improve overall supply chain efficiency.

10. Continuous Improvement and Innovation: Students will understand the importance of continuous improvement and innovation in supply chain management, including implementing best practices, embracing new technologies, and fostering a culture of innovation to adapt to changing market dynamics and stay competitive.

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