Following her address at the co-located FTE EMEA and FTE Ancillary & Retailing events (Dublin, 11-13 June 2024), Future Travel Experience caught up with Charlotte Posada-Kandel, Manager Ancillary Products, SunExpress. In this video interview, she shares the airline’s ‘360+5’ journey towards offering a more tailored, customer-centric proposition, as well as the core technology changes facilitating transformation to a retail product landscape with order and offer management. “The last 12 months have been really crucial in our development,” Posada-Kandel explains. “We’ve moved away from the whole legacy structure and are now in what I would describe as a ‘retail-like’ environment, with new infrastructure that means we can do more retailing and really integrate products a lot quicker.”

What’s next – FTE Global, LA, 28-30 October 2024, and FTE APEX Asia Expo, Singapore, 19-20 November 2024

Join us at FTE Global – the “CES of Aviation” – in LA, …