Community Building and Management

Sumter to see additional housing on West side [Video]

Sumter Planning Manager Jeff Derwort says the projects are a direct response to residents wanting more housing.

SUMTER, S.C. — More housing options could be available for residents living on the west side of Sumter, and it’s all thanks to an approval from the city planning committee in response to community requests.

In a recent meeting, the city’s planning committee approved the building of a brand new subdivision and expansion of apartments and residential lots to three locations at Carter Road, Loring Mill Road and Patriot Parkway.

Sumter Planning Manager Jeff Derwort says the projects are a direct response to residents wanting more housing.

“It’s to build the downtown up, build a mass where infrastructure is, has been a primary focus in ways to have more affordable housing,” Derwort said.

“The developers are adding three new 36 unit apartments to go into the two that are already there, so that …

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