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Summer Networking For College Students Building Connections & Expanding Opportunities – [Video]

Community Building and Management

Summer networking in college is the most crucial time in your life to do so. Many of you probably never exercised this skill or even feel comfortable doing so. Networking is a valuable skill that can help you build professional relationships.

Networking in college is very important because this is a great opportunity to get to know individuals from different walks of life. You could look at networking as making professional friends.

Building these kinds of connections could open a wide range of opportunities. Below are a few tips on how to network and maintain these relationships.

Set Clear Goals For Summer Networking

Before you take the initiative to start networking, take the time to set your clear intentions. Are you looking for a new job? Seeking mentorship? Or trying to expand your industry knowledge?

Not knowing what you’re looking to achieve could lead to no or little results. Setting these clear goals will help you …

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