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Sugar, Spice, and Cant Play Nice Book Review Writergurlny [Video]

For some, arranged marriage is a thing of the past. We are free to choose our spouses without general parental/familial interference. But in some parts of the world, the individual has little to no say when it comes to their future spouse.

Sugar, Spice, and Can’t Play Nice, by Annika Sharma, was published last year. It is the second book in the Chai Masala Club series.

London-born and New York-based Payal is solely focused on building her fashion line. A relationship is not even a consideration. She may have an overnight guest every once in a while, but they don’t stick around. Compared to his brother, Ayaan is the ne’er do well. He can’t seem to settle down.

Their parents, who are old friends, agree to merge their companies and their families. Payal has to choose between her dreams and saving her parents from becoming broke. Ayaan wants to prove that he can be seen as mature and …

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