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Study Reveals Which People are Most Likely To Die From Sepsis Online Marketing Scoops [Video]

People suffering from chronic liver and kidney diseases, as well as those with learning disabilities, are at greater risk of dying from sepsis, scientists have warned. Patients with some of these conditions are three times more likely to die from an infection within a month, and those with kidney disease are up to six times more at risk, a new study of NHS data has found.

Being from a poor background can also lead to an 80% greater risk of developing sepsis and dying, the experts said. The new research found those who have a “history of extensive antibiotic exposure” are also at higher risk. Professor Tjeerd van Staa, from the University of Manchester who co-authored the study, said:

“This study shows socioeconomic deprivation, comorbidity and learning disabilities are associated with an increased risk of developing non-COVID-19-related sepsis and 30-day mortality in England….Story continues…..

Source: Study reveals which people are most likely …

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