Community Building and Management

StrEATERY feeds Louisville families a hot meal for Thanksgiving [Video]

Organizers say there’s more community support each year to give people in the neighborhood a place to gather for Thanksgiving.

Last year, organizer Dung Tran said they ran out of food in the first few hours of their free holiday dinner, and didn’t want that to happen again.

“The community really stepped up,” said Tran. “They really helped out, big donations.” 

He said there was a lot of support from neighborhood businesses and the Beechmont Neighborhood Association to try and prevent that.

The free dinner is meant to give neighbors a warm, welcoming place to gather and share a meal for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Metro Council member Betsy Ruhe shared a story of seeing a homeless couple enjoying their warm meal. 

“And it’s wonderful to see everybody from the community coming, rich, poor, stable, homeless, whatever, everybody comes and everybody gets a good dinner,” said Ruhe. “It’s a wonderful way …

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