Community Building and Management

Steel mills will close without Nippon deal [Video]

While a proposed $14.1 billion purchase of U.S. Steel by Japan-based company Nippon doesn’t have much love on the national political scene, the company is now rallying for support of the transaction.

“Employees of United States Steel Corporation today will host a rally at the U.S. Steel Tower in Pittsburgh in support of the Nippon Steel transaction,” said a Wednesday press release from U.S. Steel. “Employees will call on elected officials in Pennsylvania and across the nation to recognize the significant merits of the transaction for U.S. Steel employees, communities, customers, and American steelmaking.”

This rally was scheduled for 1 p.m. ET.

U.S. Steel has made steel in Pennsylvania since 1901 and it is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pa. In its more than 120-year history, the company has – in its words – built America. Iconic U.S. Steel work can be found at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the Willis Tower, the New Orleans Superdome, the United Nations Building in New York City, the U.S. Steel Tower …

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