Global Marketing Strategies

Sponge Learning | 5 rules for transforming your compliance training strategy [Video]

We all want a culture of compliance, but is completion of mandatory courses alone ever going to get you there? Will making content more engaging lead to the outcomes we want? Or does this focus on content distract us from the real problem? It’s time we re-examine how we view our compliance training strategy!

In this 30-minute express webinar, Josh Cardoz – Chief Creative & Learning Officer at Sponge – will share his “5 1/2 rules” for transforming your compliance strategy in a way that serves as a catalyst for real business impact rather than a passive insurance policy. In this provocative, high-energy session, Josh will challenge typical worldviews toward compliance training and offer a refreshing perspective on the best way to unlock your strategy in a way that meets the needs of your business and its people.

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