In the past, C.O.P.S. received $450,000 annually, but under the proposed budget, the organization would need to compete for funding alongside other groups.
SPOKANE, Wash. — Spokane City Council unanimously approved to request the Brown administration for a contract extension for the Community Oriented Policing Services (C.O.P.S) program.
On Monday, the council voted to approve a proposed three-month contract extension for the program, which would allocate up to $200,000 in funding.
Council President Betsy Wilkerson’s proposed amendment asks Mayor Lisa Brown’s administration to extend the contract with COPS for three months at a cost of $125,000 that will be payable monthly on a reimbursement basis. If the mayor doesn’t sign the extension by Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 3 p.m., the council president will use her authority to approve the extension.
Discussions around the program’s funding and structure sparked debate among city leaders and residents.
On Friday, a press conference was held in support of C.O.P.S. Two …