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Social Democrats would spend Apple tax revenue on building affordable homes, Holly Cairns says [Video]

THE SOCIAL DEMOCRATS would use the proceeds from the recent Apple tax ruling first and foremost to build affordable housing, the party’s leader Holly Cairns has said. 

She described housing as “the elephant in the country” and said the party would be publishing its affordable housing plan “in the next number of weeks”. 

On the €14 billion of recently acquired Apple tax revenue, which the highest court in the EU recently ordered the company to pay to the State, Cairns said it was “amusing” to see the government parties now discussing how they would spend it. 

“I find it kind of amusing to see parties who spent eight years and 10 million fighting this case to try and get the money back now saying what they would like to spend the money on,” she said.

“But I think the elephant in the country is housing. We would invest that money …

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