Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Smart living: How coffee cups, bike handles and other everyday objects could boost productivity [Video]

In a world where convenience and productivity are key, a new user interface called GraspUI – developed by an international team led by a computer scientist from the University of Bath – is redefining how we interact with technology.

Developed by researchers at the Universities of Bath and Toronto, in collaboration with Meta Reality Labs, GraspUI uses augmented reality (AR) to turn everyday objects into smart tools that effortlessly connect you to your digital world.

Presented at this year’s ACM Designing Interactive Systems conference (one of the premier events for cutting-edge research on user interfaces), GraspUI transforms everyday movements – like picking up a mug, reaching for a pen or gripping a bike handle – into seamless digital interactions, allowing users to control devices with the natural grasping movements they already make.

AR overlays digital information onto the real world through devices like smartphones, tablets or AR glasses. It uses sensors and cameras to detect a person’s environment …

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