Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Shining at light on Inishowens Social Enterprises. [Video]

Week four of our Social Enterprise Focus features the ISEN member East of Inishowen, Greencastle Community Centre. Our Social Enterprise Focus is held in collaboration with Inishowen Development Partnership following their recent ARISE [Awareness Raising Initiative for Social Enterprises] project. This produced a range of videos and blogs shining a light on the positive work being done by social enterprises across Inishowen. The Inishowen Social Enterprise Network [ISEN] comprises of 20 different social enterprises made up of community groups, tourism, arts and cultural groups, all working as to support their local community, filling many gaps in services and supports. IDP facilitates the network and hosts meetings to share information and funding opportunities for the social enterprises. This week our blog conducts a Q & A with centre manager Susan McAleer to give us a better insight into life in the seaside community centre in Greencastle.

Greencastle Community CentreGreencastle Community Centre is a …

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