Public Relations

Sheriff steps down from nonprofit’s board amid Trump event controversy [Video]

LIVINGSTON COUNTY, Mich. (WXYZ) — Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy has stepped down from a nonprofit’s board after backlash from hosting a visit and press conference from former President Donald Trump.

The LACASA Center – a nonprofit organization that advocates for victims of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual violence – said in a statement that Murphy voluntarily resigned from the board of his directors.

According to LASCASA, Murphy said in his letter he did not want to cloud the important work LACASA does.

“As a board member for close to 25 years, I have always been an advocate for LACASA using my time, talents, and money to help where I could,” Murphy said. “I have never intentionally or unintentionally done anything to hurt the organization, and it’s unfortunate some can’t see that.”

WATCH BELOW: Livingston County Sheriff’s Office accused of breaking campaign finance law by hosting Trump visit

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