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SFPD to hold community meeting on upcoming unsanctioned ‘Hill bomb’ event [Video]


San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott is planning to hold a community meeting July 1 for those concerned about an upcoming, unsanctioned ‘Hill Bomb’ skateboarding event. 

Scott wrote in an email sent to media outlets that “anonymous organizers” posted to social media about a hill bomb event set for July 6. 

“Unfortunately, the organizers have never sought a permit or reached out to SFPD or the City. It is an unsanctioned and underground event that involves individuals blocking streets and perilously skateboarding down the roads around Dolores Park.” Scott added that there have been deaths and injuries related to the event in years’ past. 

Last year, the event devolved into violence and chaos. There were mass arrests with as many as 81 minors and 32 adults taken into custody.

San Francisco Police Department‘s response to the event was widely criticized as being heavy-handed and the city is now subject to a civil rights lawsuit because …

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