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Sexy Pew Pew [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

You ever hear Sex Shooter, by Apollonia 6?  No?  I’m sorry, but now we must all experience it together.

This is profoundly unsexy and awkward.  I fucking love it.  It’s so funny to me.

These aren’t outfits, they’re underwear.  They’re wearing panty hose under their lingerie.  The side girls look like office ladies.

OK, I’ve got a bit of an “everyday people fetish” so the office ladies are a little hot, but still.  This whole production is embarrassing.  I like how lead girl is aiming for Marilyn Monroe but just coming out like she’s got a respiratory abnormality and needs to see an ENT.

She exhorts us to sing along. Can you fucking imagine? What crowd anywhere in the world would want to sing these lyrics back to the girls? The fail, the cringe. It’s adorable. It feels like Rebecca Black trying to be cool. I love you, pathetic girls. I hope you’re in …

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