Community Building and Management

Senior home thanks firemen who saved them from burning building [Video]

The seniors watched as their building burned down last month. Today, they got to greet those who saved them with a touching surprise.

KENTWOOD, Michigan — With the wheelchairs and the walkers, it certainly takes time for the residents of American House retirement community to load onto a bus. 

But the group climbing aboard for Friday’s excursion knows more than most that every moment is worth it.

“They kept me from harm,” smiled Judy, a resident. “They don’t get enough credit for what they do.”

“Praise the lord for any fireman,” agreed another resident.

“It’s gonna be fun to go back and see their reactions,” said Megan Burch, executive director. 

Older and wiser, those at American House have heard the phrase ‘you should seek those who fan your flames.’ Today, though, they’re headed to those who extinguished them.

“We came down here to thank the fire station,” said Megan. “We did a luncheon, and all our residents wrote cards, …

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