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Seekr finds the AI computing power it needs in Intels cloud [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

By moving workloads to Intel Developer Cloud, the vendor of transparent AI models expects to see significant cost savings and performance bumps while accessing the latest AI chips Intel offers.

Credit: NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock

For IT leaders, the question of where to run AI workloads and how to do so affordably are fast becoming top of mind — especially at scale. But for Rob Clark, president and CTO of AI developer Seekr, such questions are business-critical.

Seekr’s main business is building and training AIs that are transparent to enterprise and other users. The company needs massive computing power with CPUs and GPUs that are optimized for AI development, says Clark, adding that Seekr looked at the infrastructure it would need to build and train its huge AI models and quickly determined that buying and maintaining the hardware would be prohibitively expensive.

So, Seekr signed on with a regional colocation provider to host several GPU- …

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