Public Relations

Seattle media bias: Fox 13 promotes traffic-blocking activists [Video]

In another mind-boggling display of media bias, Fox 13 Seattle played publicists for a group of protesters who blocked traffic to bring attention to their cause. This kind of media treatment ensures we will continue to suffer through this self-defeating tactic.

The reporter, Alejandra Guzman, published a web piece titled “WA nonprofit kicks off ‘100 Days of Peace’ by staging I-5 traffic jam.” It could barely disguise its enthusiasm for a nonprofit group’s disruptive tactics.

The nonprofit group, Urban Family, blocked Interstate 5 (I-5) last week, claiming they were fighting for public safety and police accountability. They even had the audacity to demand regionwide action, as if creating a traffic nightmare for innocent drivers was a noble pursuit.

“If we have to jam up traffic to raise awareness, that’s what we’ll do,” Shantelle Patu, Executive Director of Urban Family, told Fox 13 as if we weren’t all well aware of the surge of gun violence.

Jason Rantz ExclusiveSecretary …

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