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Scott Galloway gives 6 predictions for the coming year at London Blockchain Conference 2024 [Video]

Marketing Technology

The first keynote speaker on the first day of the London Blockchain Conference is bound to inspire intrigue and excitement. This was true as ever at the London Blockchain Conference 2024, as Scott Galloway was charged with kicking off the proceedings.

Galloway is an academic heavyweight. A professor of Marketing at the prestigious Stern School of Business at NYU, Galloway brings the kind of high-level business perspective that has become the core of the London Blockchain Conference over the years.

The thrust of Galloway’s time on stage was spent on his predictions for the coming year. The problem with predictions, Galloway said, is that they’re a terrible business.

“If you get the prediction right, it seems obvious in hindsight. If you get it wrong? Twitter.”

Nonetheless, Galloway quite generously offered six bold predictions that will affect technology in 2024. Some of these he elaborated upon in detail; others spoke for themselves. What were they?

  1. TikTok pressures Netflix and Spotify is sold to a Western investor
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