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Schatz seeks additional disaster relief when Congress returns in November : Maui Now [Video]

Community Building and Management

US Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i) called for additional disaster relief funding when Congress returns in November. Speaking on the Senate floor, Schatz stressed the need to provide disaster survivors on Maui and in other disaster-impacted communities with flexible, long-term assistance in the form of Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding. The said this will enable them to rebuild their homes and communities as quickly as possible.

“Make no mistake, our work is not over,” said Schatz. “When we return in November, passing disaster aid has to be the top priority of the United States Congress. There is no excuse not to do this. This is an American priority, and we cannot close up shop for this Congress leaving all these Americans behind.”

The full text of the senator’s remarks can be found below:

It is good that the Senate and the House are working on a bipartisan basis to …

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