Community Building and Management

Royals showing their support for the LGBTQ+ community from Princess Diana to Prince William [Video]

Pride Month is drawing to a close, and while it’s always important to reflect on the progress made, it’s still important to reflect on progress made.

One institution that has been trying its best to modernise is the royal family and while public statements from the royals on subjects such as LGBTQ+ rights can be scarce, there have been numerous times that royals have broken ranks and shown their support.

The late Princess of Wales made headlines when she visited the London Middlesex Hospital, which was treating HIV patients, in 1987. This has rubbed off on her sons with Prince William and Prince Harry both showing their support in other ways.

Discover the times that the royals displayed their own ‘Pride’ and showed their support to the LGBTQ+ community…

Princess Diana – Meeting patients with HIV

Princess Diana shocked many when in 1987 she paid a visit to the London Middlesex Hospital to meet people who …

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