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Robert Abela wants the conclusions of the Vitals inquiry published [Video]

Public Relations

The conclusions of an inquiry into the Vitals hospitals deal should be made public “for the sake of transparency”, Robert Abela has said.

“I believe that the document should be available for public consumption,” the prime minister told reporters shortly after a court heard that the inquiry is now at the Attorney General’s office.

The probe, which began in late 2019, was tasked with looking into any criminal acts committed by Joseph Muscat or members of his cabinet in relation to the privatisation of three state hospitals.

It is up to Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg to decide whether or not to publish the conclusions of the inquiry. Her predecessor, Peter Grech, had opted to do so when urged to publish Egrant inquiry conclusions in 2018 by Muscat, who at the time was prime minister. 

Contracts to privatise the hospitals were annulled by a court last year, which concluded that top government officials …

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