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Roam Boston to solve a crime when Clue: A Walking Mystery comes to the city [Video]

Public Relations

The iconic board game “Clue” will get an all new life when it comes to Boston this summer, letting players put their detective skills to the test by wandering through the city to catch a murderer.

“Clue: A Walking Mystery,” which has already been featured in several cities, is an interactive game that will open in Boston June 27 and last through Sept. 8.

Part walking tour and part murder mystery, this experiential twist on the classic detective game will allow players to wander through Boston and collect clues as they solve the mystery of who murdered estate owner Mr. Boddy. The game will start at Boston’s Quincy Market and take players throughout the city’s streets and landmarks.

“All the furniture from Tudor Mansion has been auctioned off and scattered throughout downtown Boston,” a description of the game sent in a press release states. “Determined to finally catch the culprit, the newly minted detectives …

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