Community Building and Management

Riaz Meghji on How to Build Extraordinary Relationships [Video]

We are always one conversation away from a completely different life. In our hybrid world, amidst a loneliness epidemic, connection has never been so crucial. The good news? The best way to drive connection is free and already equipped in our arsenal — the art of conversation.

Human connection expert Riaz Meghji joined us at Showcase 2024 to share insight into how we can make every conversation count. He spent decades on television interviewing experts on current affairs, sports, entertainment, politics, and business. Today, he is the bestselling author of Every Conversation Counts: The 5 Habits of Human Connection That Build Extraordinary Relationships and an in-demand keynote speaker for his expertise on creating engaged and connected cultures through the power of candid conversation.

At Showcase 2024, Riaz captivated the audience with his emotionally charged keynote that illustrated the power of empathetic curiosity to drive meaningful connections at home and work.

“Riaz was fantastic! I took away a lot …

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