Community Building and Management

Rescue efforts in Spencer bring community together in tough time [Video]

SPENCER, IOWA (KTIV) – ”I woke my daughter up in her room and woke my son up in his room and I said you guys need to get your stuff and get the hell out of the house now,” said Brian Habben, a Spencer resident.

Urgent action taken by many residents in Spencer as flooding ravages the community. In spite of the tragic event however, residents are finding ways to lend a helping hand to those in need.

“It was really devastating to see our town like this, but I was really just in the zone of trying to help anybody that we could. I’ve always been the type of person to give the shirt off my back and i believe in good karma, so you give out good karma you get it back,” said Wyatt Gardner, a Spencer resident.

Boats, kayaks and canoes all taken to the flood streets …

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