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Redirected Movement Campaigns : 15MinuteWeightLoss [Video]

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Many clickbait workout video titles mislead viewers by promising near-instant results in mere minutes and Asics is taking a stand with the #15MinuteWeightLoss campaign to promote realistic and sustainable fitness goals. The strategically named, SEO-driven campaign name aims to hijack searches and redirect people interested in extreme weight loss measures to healthier practices with a focus on balance.

While celebrating the immense mental health benefits of physical movement, the campaign tackles the public’s fixation with rapid weight loss and quick-fix results.

According to new research from Asics, 42% of adults feel that seeing “rapid weight loss” content makes them insecure and negatively impacts their mental health, and 70% report that seeing weight loss content on social media doesnโ€™t actually motivate them to exercise.

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