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Rapid City public buildings among sites for Salvation Army Angel Trees [Video]

Community Building and Management

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program is a way for people to donate Christmas gifts to children in their community. Once again, multiple public buildings in Rapid City have Angel Trees on site, including city hall, the public safety building, and the Roosevelt Swim Center & Ice Arena.

“We have over 125 different locations that have Angel Tree tags,” Salvation Army Black Hills Area Coordinator Jerry O’Neil said. “And it’s very simple. You can pick the tag and you can purchase the gift. We ask that they not be wrapped because that’s the parents’ prerogative. We want them to be involved in that process.”

O’Neil mentioned the Angel Tree program brought 18,000 gifts to 2,300 children last year.

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