A total of 58 railway projects have been sanctioned across three economic corridors, with a combined completion cost of about Rs 88,875 crore and a total track length of about 4,107 kilometres during 2024 as part of the Centre’s strategy to spur economic growth in the country through big infrastructure projects, according to the year-end review of the Indian Railways.
The projects include Energy, Mineral and Cement Corridors, High Traffic Density Routes and Rail Sagar corridors,
A total of 434 projects have been planned for implementation under these three corridors.
The Energy, Mineral and Cement Corridors accounted for 51 projects, spanning 2,911 kilometres with a completion cost of Rs 57,313 crore.
The High Traffic Density Routes included 5 projects, covering about 830 kilometres and costing about Rs 11,280 crore.
The Rail Sagar corridor covers two projects, with a total track length of about 366 kilometres and a completion cost of about Rs 20,282 crore.
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