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Racialized police brutality: Indigenous leaders decry Vancouver arrest caught on camera – BC [Video]

Community Building and Management

Indigenous leaders say the case of a woman who an officer punched during a recent arrest is another example of systemic racism in policing.

The incident took place on New Year’s Eve at an affordable housing complex on Powell Street.

“It’s not right. It’s so contrary to what things are these days and in terms of moving forward in terms of reconciliation, in terms of building that relationship with the police department,” said Lynn White, president and CEO of ACCESS Society, the Indigenous organization that operates part of the building.

The woman, who Global News has agreed not to identify for safety reasons, said she was the one who originally phoned police, seeking help to remove an intoxicated guest from her party.

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When officers arrived, they ultimately detained the woman, who is Indigenous.

Video shows the woman — who had called police — getting put into handcuffs in a lobby area after she kicked at an officer who …

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