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Quarry fire now being investigated as arson | News [Video]

The now 550-acre Quarry fire was human caused, Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office investigator Kevin Bost said Friday.

Investigators are suspicious that the fire started at 9 p.m. on the south side of Deer Creek Canyon, a dark mountain road with no cameras and no streetlights, just west of Grizzly Drive.

“Why would a fire start there at 9 o’clock at night?” asked Jefferson County Sheriff spokesman Mark Techmeyer. “It’s got us scratching our heads.”

“We preliminarily believe that this fire is human-caused in some manner,” Bost said during a press conference Friday morning.

Techmeyer told The Denver Gazette that investigators are unclear whether the fire was caused intentionally, or by accident.

Locals seemingly agree that the start of the fire seems suspicious.

“It sure seems weird,” said David Broadway, a 26-year resident near the Valley Barrington neighborhood, in which Deer Creek Canyon Road is officially closed off. “It started in …

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