I wouldn’t mind a wager that the scripts for those lobbying the federal government not to ban gambling advertising outright are being written by the same people who produce the infernally annoying ads.
Have a multi on us, the lobbyists say. More ads, more gambling, more revenue all round, more money for local sport. Winners all ’round, or your money back.
Disclaimer: Always lobby responsibly.
Of course, they don’t put it quite like that. In fact, it’s more like the Grim Reaper anti-AIDS ads of the 1980s: if you’re not prepared to use protection on us and our massively lucrative businesses and deals, you’ll be dead before you know it.
Disclaimer: Think what you’re really gambling with – our corporate influence.
Anyway, it’s working. Eighteen months ago, a federal government inquiry into online gambling chaired by the late Peta Murphy …