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Privacy, platforms & power shifts: 3 trends reshaping marketing and measurement [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

Smartly’s Kristin MacGregor (KMac) talks privacy, multi-touchpoint and real-time measurement, and why modern marketing demands a shift to a unified measurement and planning solution.

The marketing landscape is undergoing a radical transformation this year. Consumers are calling the shots, demanding more control over how they interact with brands. This shift necessitates an overhaul of traditional marketing tactics.

The Drum caught up with Google/YouTube veteran Kristin MacGregor (KMac), now chief commercial officer at Smartly, to explore three key trends reshaping marketing – and how brands like Uber are seeing success by embracing new tools that allow for a unified, holistic approach to measurement, planning and connecting the funnel.

KMac, set the stage for us. This year in particular, we’re all feeling the rapid changes in our industry and with that how marketers do their jobs. Why is this happening?

We’re witnessing a fascinating power shift in the marketing landscape. There are …

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