Public Relations

President Biden signs form delaying NJ Transit strike [Video]

President Joe Biden has signed an executive order delaying a strike by NJ Transit’s locomotive engineers and trainmen that could have crippled the daily commute.

One particular union called the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen Union has been without a contract for four years. They say that they are the lowest-paid engineers out of any rail workers in the country.

If they don’t get it, they are threatening a walkout. However, before that could happen, Biden got involved under the Federal Railway Labor Act which keeps trains running.

In the order, Biden says that he will create a Presidential Emergency Board to help resolve the dispute. They have 30 days to form that board.

The panel of neutral experts would review the officers from both sides and make a non-binding recommendation.

If that goes nowhere, NJ Gov. Phil Murphy can request another emergency board. This likely won’t happen before …

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