Community Building and Management

Premier Congratulates New UK Prime Minister [Video]

Following the UK general election, Premier David Burt said has has “written to the new Prime Minister to congratulate him on his election victory and reiterated the Government of Bermuda’s commitment to building relationships with the new UK Government.”

“There will no doubt be changes in policy and personnel and I look forward to working with the new Foreign Secretary and a new Minister for the Overseas Territories,” the Premier added.

The BBC reported that ”Sir Keir Starmer is the UK’s new prime minister, after his Labour Party swept to power in a landslide general election victory. The Conservative Party suffered a dramatic collapse after a tumultuous 14 years in power, which saw five different prime ministers run the country.

“It lost 250 seats over the course of a devastating night. Rishi Sunak – the outgoing PM – accepted responsibility for the result and apologised to defeated colleagues during a brief statement outside …

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