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Police say missing actress found safe; relative says no [Video]

Social Media Analytics

The mystery over the fate of a young actress who appeared in several episodes of “Gossip Girl” and on “Blue Bloods” became more confusing Wednesday amid reports that she had been found safe in Texas, but her cousin who has been spearheading search efforts insisted the woman is still missing.

But the actress — Chanel Maya Banks, 36, of Playa Vista — appeared to proclaim her safety in a social media post late Wednesday.

Banks was reported missing Nov. 8, with her family reporting that their last contact with her was on Oct. 30. According to a GoFundMe page established by Banks’ cousin, Danielle-Tori Singh, a series of welfare checks were made at her apartment on Nov. 7-8, but she was nowhere to be found.

On Wednesday, the Los Angeles Police Department stated that the agency had been notified by authorities in Texas that Banks had been found safe. An LAPD representative …

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