Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Pine Bluff hires company to help revitalize local economy [Video]

The city of Pine Bluff is now calling in outside help, and community leaders hope that this new partnership could help bring new developments to the local economy.

PINE BLUFF, Ark. — The City of Pine Bluff has been working to revitalize some businesses with hopes of being able to draw more people in.

That’s been the goal for a while, but now the city is calling for outside help and leaders hope that a new partnership could help bring new developments.

“We went through a request for proposals process and had three actual companies to submit, and they’re very competitive,” said Lori Guelache, Pine Bluff’s Economic and Community Development Director.

The city decided to partner with Retail Strategies, which is a company based out of Alabama.

Guelache said she hopes to see good results come from this new partnership.

“We’d like to be able to see how we can …

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