Community Building and Management

Pete Buttigieg just got inducted into the LGBTQ+ Political Hall of Fame [Video]

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was inducted to the LGBTQ+ Political Hall of Fame on Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention during the LGBTQ+ Victory Institute’s “Victory at the DNC” event. 

Buttigieg is the first openly gay Cabinet secretary and was recognized not only for his public service but also for his accomplishments in LGBTQ+ representation in government and advocacy for the queer community.


The ceremony took place at the Wit Hotel’s rooftop in Chicago.

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At the ceremony, Buttigieg said to the cheering audience, “Thank you so much. Thank you for humbling me with this honor,” according to The Chicago Tribune.

He thanked other prominent LGBTQ+ politicians in the audience, saying, “Thank you, [former Chicago Mayor] Lori Lightfoot, for your leadership of Chicago and for welcoming us to this town. Thank you [former Houston …

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