Public Relations

Pennsylvania middle schoolers created over 20 TikTok accounts impersonating teachers [Video]

The Great Valley School District in Pennsylvania is grappling with the issue of nearly two dozen fake TikTok accounts impersonating teachers, created by its eighth-grade students.”I want to assure our staff that we have your back. We are going to continue to support you,” said Dr. Daniel Goffredo, superintendent of the Great Valley School District.The New York Times article revealed that several eighth graders from Great Valley Middle School created fictitious TikTok accounts impersonating 22 members of faculty and staff. The posts on these accounts have been deemed racist and homophobic, with some insinuating pedophilia. Educators made the discovery in February.”It’s very hard to identify the creation of these online accounts and some we may never figure out we’re doing our best,” stated Dr. Goffredo.In response, the district took swift action to identify the accounts and held an assembly for eighth graders about responsible social media use. They also consulted …

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