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Parents Suing After AI Bot Allegedly Hinted to Teen to Kill Them [Video]

Artificial intelligence company Character.AI is being sued after parents claimed a bot on the app encouraged their teen to kill them for limiting his screen time. 

According to a complaint filed in a Texas federal court on Monday, Dec. 9, the parents said Character.AI “poses a clear and present danger to American youth causing serious harms to thousands of kids, including suicide, self-mutilation, sexual solicitation, isolation, depression, anxiety, and harm towards others,” CNN reported Tuesday, Dec. 10.

The identity of the teen was withheld, but he is described in the filing as a “typical kid with high functioning autism.” He goes by the initials J.F. and was 17 at the time of the incident.

The lawsuit names Character.AI founders, Noam Shazeer and Daniel De Freitas Adiwardana, as well as Google, and calls the app a “defective and deadly product that poses a clear and present danger to public health and safety,” the outlet continued.

The parents are …

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