When photographer Nayana saw a pet parent post an invitation on Facebook for people to celebrate her dog’s last day, she knew she couldn’t pass it up.
The Facebook post invited people in the Philadelphia area to visit Lou, a 14-year-old dog, during her final day. The owner wanted Lou to get as much love as possible for a proper send-off. What she wasn’t prepared for was how the community responded.
Nayana, known on TikTok as @ngpawpics, shared a glimpse of Lou’s final day celebration, which she attended, in Monday’s video. Dozens of strangers came out to support Lou and the owner. And they didn’t show up empty-handed. Lou received an endless amount of treats and pets.
Lou lounged in her doggy bed with a blanket wrapped around her. The strangers, who now became friends, celebrated her joyous life in the cold weather. They gave Lou all the love on her final …