Global Marketing Strategies

Overcoming Silence in Prospecting – The Sales Hunter [Video]

Whether it’s ghosting or a lack of response, the key is persistence.  

In this blog, I’ll explore 10 effective strategies that will help you turn silence into opportunities

1. Ask 5 Key Questions

Always have five relevant questions to ask, focusing on the prospect’s business, industry, and challenges. This positions you as a helpful resource, rather than just a salesperson.

Tip: Tailor your questions to reflect their specific business needs and pain points. For example, “What trends are shaping your industry this year?” or “How are you adapting to new challenges in your field?”

2. Share 5 Valuable Industry Facts

Provide relevant insights—trends, stats, or strategies—that could benefit the prospect. Offering value up front builds trust and credibility.

Example: “Did you know that X percentage of businesses in your industry have shifted to Y solution? This might be something worth considering for your business as well.”

3. Engage Other Stakeholders

If your main contact isn’t responding, …

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