Community Building and Management

‘Outreach Eats’ providing free meals to North Idaho youth [Video]

The nonprofit provides free meals and community building every Thursday at the Rathdrum skate park.

RATHDRUM, Idaho — Caring matters. Kindness matters. You matter.  

That’s the message Outreach Eats is trying to instill in youth at the Rathdrum skate park on Main Street. 

Garry and Robin Mickelson have been nominated for a shoutout as community helpers by Jakeup Rider after the work they’ve done in the last year through their nonprofit, Outreach Eats.

Garry Mickelson said it’s all about breaking bread with children to let them know someone outside their friends or families is looking out for them. 

“No kid is going to talk faster than when they’ve got free food,” Mickelson said.  

The number of kids turning up for a hot meal varies from week to week and has consistently hit around 140 this month. 

Armed with volunteers and donations to power the nonprofit, the couple comes out each Thursday afternoon. 

“It’s 35% feeding these kids and the rest is pouring into them,” …

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