Community Building and Management

Opposition to new waste facility in Goshen continues as vote scheduled next week | News [Video]

Lane County commissioners are set to vote August 20 for contracts and a bond to finance the new “Clean Lane Resource Recovery Facility.” But local groups are asking the public to voice opposition in hopes of stopping the project.

GOSHEN, Ore. – As Lane County commissioners are set to vote next week on moving ahead with their new waste facility, opponents to the project hope the community will speak out against it.

Lane County Public Works Director Dan Hurley said the CleanLane Resource Recovery Facility is a great tool in the future of waste management, diverting waste that should not be put in the landfill and instead putting it to better use.

“We can put the recyclables into bales ultimately and sell those as commodities,” he said. “And then the food waste will go to what’s called an ‘anaerobic digester’ that will produce energy from that — renewable energy, we …

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