Global Marketing Strategies

Opinion: The DNA of Distinctive Brands [Video]

Distinctive brand assets are the Holy Grail of the marketing world yet some brands struggle with them for lots of reasons. Cathal Gillen, co-founder and head of strategy with Distinctive BAT, offers some tips about how brands can can plan for distinctiveness success.

 Since the publication of “How Brands Grow” by Byron Sharp and the Ehrenberg Bass Institute, distinctiveness has become a central focus for marketers in their thinking, planning, and action. Distinctiveness plays a major role in helping brands to be more mentally and physically available at key times and to stand out at the point of purchase. As a result, it has become a major consideration for most marketers and a key tenet of most organisations’ strategic thinking in relation to brand building.

At Distinctive BAT, we have tested thousands of distinctive assets across hundreds of brands, and there are several common factors that come to the fore …

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