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OOP Misunderstood, Misapplied [Video]

Object-oriented programming (OOP) was developed to tackle some fundamental problems that traditional programming typically struggled to solve. Though nearly every enterprise and modern programming language uses OOP, it’s often criticised for its complexity. 

Things went out of hand when Elliot Suzdalnitski, a senior software engineer, published his controversial article calling OOP “a trillion-dollar disaster”. Suzdalnitski’s key argument was that most developers spend their precious time and brainpower thinking about “abstractions” and “design patterns” rather than solving real-world problems.

Its criticism stemmed primarily from how developers have approached OOP in the past. It was misunderstood as a solution to every problem, and that is where the problem started. This was almost akin to someone discovering a great hammer and then insisting on using it for everything—even when a screwdriver or wrench would work better. 

A developer saidon Reddit that the biggest issue with OOP is that some languages force you to use them for …

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